Made Sewing Studio

Keeping Busy June 12 2019, 0 Comments

Hello All. I'm so sorry for the lack of posting. I am sad to report that I lost a close family member to cancer the week before last. He was an amazing father, husband and all around person, he will be greatly missed. I took some time to be with my family and to reflect on my loss. I have always been told that the best medicine for heartache is keeping yourself busy, so what better way than to launch myself back into my work on the studio....right? Although we are still a ways away from our monetary goal on Kickstarter, I decided to play hookie from fundraising today and do a little commercial real estate therapy. Here are some spots I'm drooling over for the store! We need about 1,800-2,000 sq ft of space. I would love a space with lots of light, big windows and on the ground floor of a good street with ample street parking. I would love to find a place that had a few separated nooks for classes and the dyeing area. I know, I know, I might as well be asking for the moon, but a girl can dream right! Here are some of the drool worthy spaces...what are your thoughts?
Fantastic and affordable opportunity to lease 1,638 SF of retail space on the highly traveled N 36th St in the Fremont neighborhood. Floor to ceiling storefront windows with a 12` ceiling height. Plenty of water and power as well as refrigeration lines available, if needed. Large sign pad space available providing an envious signage opportunity for your business! Rent is $2,500 per month + utilities. Located on the north side of N 36th Street, on one of Fremont's most traveled streets. One block from the Burke Gilman trail. Join other successful businesses in one of Seattle's most popular neighborhoods.
Ok, ignore the sign on the building, no wait, don't, isn't it funny? I have to say, if I got it, I would super want to keep that up to make me laugh, lol. Although it might be a bit confusing for business. It's a touch small though, only 1,638 SqFt...but look at those windows!
Historic Ballard location and Market Street exposure. Charming building with retail/restaurant use on the 1st floor with full basement. Recently remodeled retail floor with exposed brick and shaft for a Type 1 hood. Upgraded electrical and plumbing, beer & wine permits in place and outdoor seating permitted.
Dear Market Street Trader Building, You had me at beer and wine permit. Love, Made Studios. And it's 1,800 SqFt...aaand it's 4 blocks from my house! My only thing is I'm not feeling the whole log-cabin-syrup look to the outside, but perhaps I lack imagination on what to do with it?
The Maxwell hotel is a new destination hotel located in Seattle`s Lower Queen Anne Neighborhood across from Teatro ZinZanni. Ideally situated in the heart of Seattle`s Music & Cultural center, The Maxwell is a 140 room boutique hotel within walking distance of the Pacific Science Center, Space Needle, McCaw Hall, Experience Music Project (EMP), and the future HQ of the Gates Foundation. This new construction project offers 6,200 SF of street-level restaurant and retail space in one of Seattle`s most desirable neighborhoods. Suite 125 - 1,075 SF can be combined with Suite 126 - 792 SF for a total of 1,867 SF.
So I actually frequent a bar that is dangerously close to this space. The actual building has been completed and it's really nice. My only problem with this space is the parking in this area blows. It's all "zone" parking and it's super duper annoying. So, although it sounds really nice, there would have to be some non-pay parking open up.
Incredible corner space on the Corner of Market and 20th Ave NW in Ballard. Highly visible frontage and active corner. Many developments in the area. Join New Tenants Palermo, Uma, Plaka Estiatorio and Sparkle cleaners. Divisible to about 1100sf. Bonus basement of 2,957sf at no charge. Landlord may Finance TI`s for a limited time!
I stop and press my nose against the window of this place every day. It is, well, perfect. It has huge windows and is situated on one of the best corners of Ballard with lots of street parking. It has a separate little nook that would be ideal for a fabric shop! Sadly, it's 3,195 SqFt, which is way too much space, and way too expensive for our budget. But I can't help but love it, and hope that someone awesome rents it. This just in: I just spoke to a friend and she said that it could probably be divided into two smaller spaces if requested...iiinteresting...very very interesting...
Ok well that is all my searching could find...if you see anything out there, let us know!!!

Classes Galore! June 12 2019, 0 Comments

Ok, it's time, we are ready to dive into making classes! But, we want to know what YOU want to take! Tell us now!

That's, "Award Winning" Selfish Sewist, to you! June 12 2019, 0 Comments

I would have to consider myself a pretty selfish sewist. I rarely ever sew for others. Sometimes it's because I'm lazy, but mostly it's because I hate that others might look at my work and go "ugh". Which is ridiculous,since the majority of the population can't sew a button on, let alone sew an entire garment. But this Halloween, I was cajoled into making a costume for a friend's daughter. Of course, it wasn't easy for her, but I couldn't say no after she threatened; "if you don't make her a little red riding hood costume, I will have to put her in an adult costume." Of course the first thought that flew through my mind was an inappropriately sexy costume on a tween. Now, I am totally fine with the sexy costume, snort, I've been known to cavort about town in one around Halloween, but I'm also not 12. So I gave in. As I was in the fabric store, cursing all the different fabrics I was having to carry around (I said I was lazy right?) A woman, about 30ish, squealed with delight to her friends "YES, that's what I'll be! I'll be sexy little red riding hood! HOT!" Ooooooh the irony! And yes, both the woman cutting my fabric and myself just about peed our pants with laughter. After a few days of sewing, the outfit was ready and then worn to a country club costume contest...where she WON!! That's right, we won an award! Ok I will admit, this is about 80% due to her cuteness factor, and 20% due to my sewing ability, but I'll take it! (I wonder if that means I get 20% of the enormous chocolate bar she won...mmm...chocolate) Tell me she isn't cute people...look at that victory shot!
As a thank you and payment for said costume, Mom funded $300 to our project on kickstarter! Yeah Mom!!
  So what does $300 get us you ask? Well it gets her; a free group sewing lesson, personalized sewing labels, a Made T-shirt, bag and free club membership for a year. But it gets Made two brand spankin' new cutting table! I know it doesn't seem like much, but every little counts on our way to a huge sewing mecca called Made Studios. So Stop by our project, friend us on facebook, tweet us on twitter, and send our name and site to everyone you know!

Launched!! June 12 2019, 0 Comments

Pretty exciting, we've launched our Kickstarter Project! Go now and see our progress...oh, and invest in us ;-) Make sure to click on the blue text to go straight to our kickstarter site!

Coming Soon June 12 2019, 0 Comments

OK, I'm doing it, I'm putting it out to there, Seattle you will be getting a sewing studio in the near future! Are you excited, cause I sure am! Made Studios will be a one stop sewers dream come true. The studio will offer a spacious sewing areas with professional sewing equipment, high-quality fabric/notions,available educational staff, and classes that will focus on an array of wearable art skills and knowledge. Made Studios not only wants to give sewers the space and equipment they need, but also provide the education and mentorship to expand their skills as artisans. So what does all that mean you ask?
  1. You never have to cut fabric on your living room floor again.
    • Thus saving your back, health care costs and fees for replacing carpets that you accidentally pined and cut
    • You won't have to clean.
      • Ok, well you won't have to make the choice between dusting before you sew and sewing while sneezing. Because you don't know which you hate more sneezing or dusting.
      • You no longer have to be called "mean" for making a guest sleep on the couch because you don't want to clean your sewing room.
        • Saving countless dollars on "I'm sorry" cocktails for the guest.
        • You don't have to explain to your significant other why the guest room has to be yours for sewing and not their stuff.
          • Saving you numerous arguments and conciliatory demands such as a ManDen or unfortunate wagon wheel coffee table furnishings in your living room (two points to you if you name that movie!)
          • You have a community at your fingertips to talk about sewing till you are blue in the face!
              • Meaning you won't have to see that look of "OMG are we STILL talking about this" on your friend's faces.
              So in conclusion, going to Made gives you; better health, lower heathcare costs, your deposit back on your apartment, allergy resolution, saves you valuable cocktail cash, keeps people from saying you are mean, saves friendships, halts sewing related arguments with S.O.s, introduces you to cool people, leaves your house appropriately decorated, and saves kittens (wait, how did that one get in there). So we are in the process of raising funds, picking a neighborhood, and buying cool stuff for our new little sewing place. To keep in the know, visit us here, twitter, or at to see how we are progressing!

              SNOW DAY! June 12 2019, 0 Comments

              Snow!   Go play in the snow! We can't get into the studio today because of the snow, so you should do something fun until we are open again on Tuesday! So we are CLOSED today for snow, and we have rescheduled the class for 2/23. Stay safe and warm and have fun!

              Busy bees! (No Open Studio) Saturday December 8th June 12 2019, 0 Comments

              bee scisors   Hello my darlings! We have a very busy sewing day upon us so please know that we will have no open studio space and assistance today. We also close at 2pm for a private party :) Sunday is looking quite lovely for sewing though, so come on by and spend your Sunday with us!    

              Go Hawks! (Closing early on gameday!) June 12 2019, 0 Comments

              seahawks In honor of our home team playing in the Super Bowl we will be closing the studio at 3pm to cheer for our Hawks! We are sure you understand :) See you on Tuesday!

              Kids Classes: Winter/Spring Breaks June 12 2019, 0 Comments


              Winter and Spring Break Classes


              [events_planner org=3945 show_past=1]

              WINNER! June 12 2019, 0 Comments

              I got an email today from one of my lovely backers reminding me to choose a winner! HOW did I not do this yet? As I'm sure you remember, I was giving a special (randomly drawn prize) to anyone who donated above $50. The prize was a beautiful necklace from the Design Glut girls, who I found on Kickstarter when I was doing our fundraising.
              Since I know some of your personally, I thought it was only fair to make it as random as possible for choosing a winner, so I typed everyone's name into the generator... 1. Anne Marie Sunderlin 2. Gareth Hunt 3. John Bauer 4. Jana Barber 5. Susi Buck 6. David Rojas 7. Ju-Lie McReynolds 8. Melissa 9. Teresa Beattie 10. Jill Rozdilski 11. Diane Stern 12. Heather Locke 13. Brianna Stuart 14. Mark Bieraugel 15. Suzanne Tedrow Congrats Anne Marie! If for some reason she does not want the necklace (crazy), I will redraw! Thank you again to everyone and I'm looking forward to seeing you all in the studio soon!!

              FUNDED! June 12 2019, 0 Comments

              I'm so very excited to tell you our Kickstarter project was successfully funded!! I would like to thank everyone who backed us and those who tirelessly spread the word! I am eternally grateful and can't wait to start the process of opening the store!
              Thank You Backers!
              Brianna Stuart
              Teresa Beattie
              Heather Locke
              David Rojas
              Robert Gregoire
              Meredith Swallow
              Jill Rozdilski
              Megan White
              Shawna Kelley
              Anne Marie Sunderlin
              Jana Barber
              Mark Bieraugel
              Ju-Lie McReynolds
              Melissa Snyder
              Eva Marie Wingren
              Suzanne Tedrow
              Diane Stern
              Susi Buck
              Gareth Hunt
              Meagan Cignoli
              John Bauer
              Susanna Hurley

              Wanted: Adult Supervision for Store Owner with a Shopping Problem June 12 2019, 0 Comments

              OK, so I really shouldn’t be left alone to my own shopping devices. We got our first vender (woohoo) and I started plugging away ordering notions for use in the studio and for sale in the store. I was going strong and trying to decide between ordering the dye as a set with a display stand, or ordering it individually and getting separate fixtures before I realized I had been shopping for over three hours! Yes, Three hours! The best part was I had no idea what I had put on the purchase lists. I think they call that a shopaholic blackout right? Maybe a sewaholic blackout? (Won't that be an interesting UPS delivery.) The moral of the story is that I need to be monitored closely while shopping. In fact, I think I need a full time adult-babysitter to watch over me and make sure I’m not breaking the piggy bank already. Any takers?
               So tell us…
              Any brands you love that are hard to find in Seattle?
              Any tool or awesomeness you want to see at Made?
              Any fabulous thingamabob you use for sewing that is never in a sewing store?
              Tell us!
              Only 4 days left to back our kickstarter project! Click here to see it!

              Here We Go Again! June 12 2019, 0 Comments

              So we did some rearranging in our budget over the holiday seaso,n and with some expert help, we realized we don't need half as much money as we thought (Sweet!). Thus we are re-posting our original project with our new goal! Please please please re-pledge your money, we are soooo close! :-) Thanks again for all of your support and please please pass it on!

              Kid Made June 12 2019, 0 Comments

              One of my Kickstarter Backers, mentioned that he backed our project because his “daughter has an interest in sewing (she is 10 and wants to be a fashion designer) and there is really no place for kids to learn this skill.” First of all, what a great dad! Second, Amen! I had Home Ec in school and I believe it was only about 4 weeks long, but the best 4 weeks of my schooling. I was never talented in drawing, writing or playing instruments, but sewing was one of those creative arts where, with a little hard work and help from others, being good at it was totally achievable. Sadly, I think we all know too well that sewing classes are practically nonexistent these days. This is why Made is hoping to work with neighboring communities and schools to create after school sewing lessons for students at an affordable rate. We want a place for students to come and have fun! Not just a summer camp, although there will be plenty of those for sure, but something to do during the school year. Because you know, summer is really only 3 months long and there’s a lot of sewing that can be done the other 9 months of the year! Our dream is to start off small, and host after school open sew time with students from 3-5. Later, we want to increase our outreach and create a roving sewing studio that can go to schools and teach in the classroom. A lofty goal I know, but we are as passionate about the young sewer as we are about the adult ones! So keep a look out for us…we’ll be in your neighborhood soon!