Wanted: Adult Supervision for Store Owner with a Shopping Problem June 12 2019, 0 Comments
OK, so I really shouldn’t be left alone to my own shopping devices. We got our first vender (woohoo) and I started plugging away ordering notions for use in the studio and for sale in the store. I was going strong and trying to decide between ordering the dye as a set with a display stand, or ordering it individually and getting separate fixtures before I realized I had been shopping for over three hours! Yes, Three hours! The best part was I had no idea what I had put on the purchase lists. I think they call that a shopaholic blackout right? Maybe a sewaholic blackout? (Won't that be an interesting UPS delivery.)
The moral of the story is that I need to be monitored closely while shopping. In fact, I think I need a full time adult-babysitter to watch over me and make sure I’m not breaking the piggy bank already. Any takers?
So tell us…
Any brands you love that are hard to find in Seattle?
Any tool or awesomeness you want to see at Made?
Any fabulous thingamabob you use for sewing that is never in a sewing store?
Tell us!
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