Intro to Sewing: Zippered or Envelope Pillows (Private Party)

Adult Beginner Sewing

Location: Made Sewing Studio: 124 N 103rd St. Suite A, Seattle WA 98133

$ 60.00


Making the beautiful decorative pillow is a great introduction to the world of sewing. In this class we will learn the basics of using the sewing machine, creating envelope style pillows and dare to conquer the zipper for a sassy zippered pillow. From winding bobbins to threading the machine we will teach you everything you need to know so you never fear your sewing machine again! All while making a super sassy pillow (or two, if we have time) for your home.

You will make TWO PILLOWS. You can either do one of each type (zipper or envelope) make two of the same type. :-) Below are the supplies you should bring with you:

Supplies Needed for Envelope Pillow:

1. 1yd of 44/45″ cotton or home décor fabric

2. 1 spool of coordinating thread

3. 16" Pillow Form 

Supplies Needed for Zipper Pillow:

1. 1/2 yd of 44/45″ cotton or home décor fabric

2. 14" zipper (regular, NOT invisible, it will state that on the package)

2. 1 spool of coordinating thread

3. 16" Pillow Form


Class Level: This class is for Adult Beginner Sewists. No previous experience is required.

Cancellation/Return Policy: No refunds are offered for classes or camps. Cancellations received 72 hours before class start, can be transferred to future classes/camps. Cancellations received less than 72 hours before class start or no-shows may forfeit class fees. We are unable guarantee the same class or session will be available for rescheduling. Arriving more than 30 minutes late for class may be a forfeit of class fees. COVID and other government mandated shutdowns have the same cancellation/Return policy. 

COVID-19 Precautions: Please read our following policy regarding COVID-19 HERE. As you know, these are procedures we have always had for our students. If they are ever changing and we update them continuously. We have not changed in our dedication to student safety and assure you of how seriously we are taking this epidemic and the health of our students.