
Special Hours April-August June 12 2019, 0 Comments

Hello darlings! Keep a look out for a few days the studio will be closed for Holidays as well as new summer hours!

Special Dates

April 4th (No studio hours after 2pm for private event)
April 5th (Studio Closed for Holiday)
Aprill 22nd (Studio Closed for Private Event)
June 6th-7th (No Open Studio Hours)
July 4th (Studio Closed for Holiday)
August 15th-16th (No Open Studio Hours)


Summer Hours for June-August

Wednesday-Friday 4pm - 7pm
Saturday & Sunday 11am - 6pm

Back to Regular Hours June 12 2019, 0 Comments

Hello all! I know you are probably all not so excited for it to be Fall, but we are! We can now go back to our regularly scheduled hours! Please not we would still like you call/email in advance of attending open studio hours so we can assure the equipment and help you need are readily available for your use.

Wednesday-Friday 12:00pm-7:00pm
Saturday/Sunday 11:00am-6:00pm
*any changes to these hours will be posted on our blog and calendar.